Hi there everyone. We are pleased to announce the signing of urban/R&B group I Am One Of A Kind, from Brooklyn, New York. They offer an exciting blend of old school rhythm and blues mixed with modern hip-hop production, and we found this a very compelling sound. From their website (http://www.myppk.com/PPKs/indexC.aspx?PPK=16785), they describe it as such:
“…a fusion of Rythm & Blues with Hip Hop evoking emotion filled songs that make listeners take pause. However, understand that a unique and seamless blend of music genres is what make this band stand out. The Band has a sound that makes them a contemporary group that delivers a solid music experience.”
I think that pretty much sums it up. At any rate, check them out, follow their ReverbNation page (https://www.reverbnation.com/iamooak), and by all means, welcome them aboard!